Today me and Ella decided that we were going to have a garage sale.It sounded like a good idea at the time.So Me and Ella got everything together and made signs.Since it was only me and Ella we had to bike to put the signs up.On the road she lives on [you know what it is] it is very hilly so it wasn't exactly easy biking and we had to go both ways on it.Once we finished that we had to set everything up.While we were doing this a couple showed up.We had absolutely nothing out and it was only four minutes after our starting time! we were like um mm...OK can you just wait a sec and let us set things up.So that was our first customer and only one who bought something our second one came, asked how big the jeans were and left without buying anything.Of course we had fun doing other things like recording random conversations in which we moved through subjects very quickly and sang very difficult songs[look on Elle's podcast if she puts them on].so anyway all in all it was a very unsuccessful garage sale but a very productive pod casting time.